Eureka!    EVPA News

May 2001 • Vol. 120, No. 5


The Eureka Valley Recreation Center is a public institution providing activities for basketball and baseball players, senior meal programs, gay teens, and dance and martial arts classes. It is due for a major retrofit starting this winter. Coordinating with EVRC and other agencies in the area is the task of the Education and Recreation Committee.

Pedestrian safety and quality of life issues converge in front of Walgreen's on 18th and Castro. Helping to find community solutions to these problems is the work of the Public Health and Safety Committee.

Our neighborhood is well-served by Muni's metro, trolleys, and buses.  Recommending improvements and responding to successes is the task of the Utilities, Transportation, and Neighborhood Commerce Committee.

Come join us at our next General Membership meeting and even better at our Committee Meetings to actively take part in preserving, protecting, and promoting our neighborhood.

   -- Lion Barnett, President

Next meeting Thursday, June 21st  7:30PM
Eureka Valley Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood

President's Message

Much of EVPA's work is now being done at the meetings of the various committees. Committees receive tasks from the General Membership as well as the Board to study various issues and report back to the membership. It was the Planning Committee that researched Supervisor Daly's pending legislation and reported back to the membership, which resulted in EVPA voting to oppose this TIC proposal. The Finance Committee is looking into establishing a budget for the organization and the potential need to raise dues to pay for projects and expenses. And Internal Affairs will revisit our By-Laws in order to streamline or update our policies and procedures.

In addition, some of other Committee work can be seen in the photos:

On a warm Sunday, residents and visitors gather at some of our neighborhoods favorite spots. These people, in front of the Bagdad Cafe on Market, are potential new members. Outreach to those who live and work in the neighborhood is the task of the Membership and Promotion Committee.

Eureka Valley Rec Center

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