Eureka!    EVPA News

June 2001 • Vol. 120, No. 6


The new Resource Guide will be printed and distributed soon.

Guidelines for "What is a Good Neighborhood Business" will be created, perhaps as a joint effort with MUMC.

Concern over homelessness may result in a possible joint project with EVPA's Safety Committee and MUMC.

The status of "S" parking stickers will be reviewed at the next UTNC committee meeting.

Membership & Promotion Committee

A membership goal was set for 150 dues-paid EVPA members by the end of 2001.

Membership recruitment strategies include: 

  • Contact other neighborhood and business associations within the geographic boundaries of EVPA to let them know that EVPA is on a recruitment drive and welcomes their members.

  • Invite former EVPA members to re-join.

  • Encourage current members to recruit friends and neighbors.

  • Updated designs of the EVPA logo and newsletter will be proposed, to project a crisp, clean, forward-looking organization that has long historical roots.


Public Safety and Health Committee

Regular contact between EVPA and MUMC was proposed by Mike Babbitt and Gustavo Serina when they gave a short presentation at a MUMC meeting, saying this could help the two groups achieve common goals. Mutual projects could include improving pedestrian congestion at the Walgreen's corner of 18th and Castro Streets, removal or relocation of the public toilet at 17th, Castro and Market Streets, and efforts to mobilize neighborhood residents and merchants.


Tenants in Common (TIC) Update 

EVPA's position on legislation to restrict TICs in the city (proposed by Sup. McGoldrick) was emphasized by Tom Hanus, Gustavo Serina and Neil Uscier when they met with Supervisor Leno on June 1. Also present were Kim Stryker and two other members of the Small Property Owners of SF.  SPO-SF attacked the legislation itself.  EVPA reiterated that we oppose the legislation and expressed our concern with the current process.  City voters had rejected similar legislation (Prop N in November 2000).  We reminded Sup. Leno that voters in District 8 also had opposed Prop N, as he did.   We suggested that, if the current legislation truly differed from Prop N, it should be put before the voters on a future ballot.  Sup. Leno was among the yes votes on June 11 when the legislation passed (8-3) on first reading.  Another vote on final reading is scheduled for June 18. Then if again passed, the item goes to Mayor Brown, who had not yet indicated as of June 13 whether he will sign or veto it.


Tell a Friend   

Help strengthen and diversify EVPA's membership by telling neighbors and friends who share your interest in neighborhood and community issues about EVPA.

Urge them to visit  Along with EVPA history and information they'll find a Membership Form ready to print out and send in!  If they don't have Internet access, call Richard Magary at 415.431-2359, leave the name and address, and we'll mail a complimentary copy of the latest EVPA Newsletter and a Membership Form to them. 

Or invite them to join you at our next General Meetings on Thursday, June 21 or July 19 at 7:30 pm.


More Demolitions?! 

Two new Applications for Demolition will be followed by EVPA's Planning Committee. The properties are at 4516 - 20th Street (response deadline July 7) and at 1 Saturn Street (DR hearing set for July 9).


Rose garden in the

Pink Triangle Park Memorial

Next meeting Thursday, June 21st  7:30PM
Eureka Valley Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood

A group of EVPA and other volunteers completed a "Big Dig" on Saturday, June 9 in Pink Triangle Park at Castro, Market and 17th Streets. Come see the new rose garden full of pink blooms, and now free of weeds, unwelcome vines, and trash.  We had major help from a large SF Dept. of Public Works crew. DPW and other city officials including Wendy Nelder (Mayor's Neighborhood Beautification Fund) lent their support. Sup. Mark Leno also visited.  Artists Susan Martin and Robert Bruce helped complete the on-site layout for 15 pylons in a triangle design.  The finished project will be the Pink Triangle Park Memorial to commemorate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender victims of the Nazi regime.  A temporary version of the sculpture, using wood pylons, will go up in late June, with installation of the permanent memorial later this year. For more information, including details on how to make a donation for the permanent installation, call 415.565-0629 or Email

Thanks to Chat Café and Blue on Market for food and refreshments on Big Dig Day!

Summary Minutes

EVPA General Meeting May 17, 2001

The Ark House Transitional Living Facility (2500 Market Street) Program Director, Thomas Landry, gave a short presentation outlining their project. He said that the facility was currently at maximum occupancy of 15 residents.  Intake procedures and the residents' general weekly schedule were described.  The program has been feeling pressure from other homeless providers to limit some of the rules and other residency requirements.

A motion passed to write a letter in support of Ark's 2500 Market Street program as it stands now, without any relaxation of current residency requirements.

A motion passed to suspend the tradition of no EVPA meetings during July and August.  That will allow the Internal Development Committee enough time to revise EVPA's bylaws and present them to the membership.

A motion passed to write a letter to MUMC thanking them for meeting with the Public Health and Safety Committee and encouraging MUMC to join EVPA in our neighborhood efforts.

A motion passed to require EVPA Board of Directors approval for all Committee Mission Statements.

A motion passed to write a letter to the Board of Supervisors telling them of EVPA's position, that any TIC legislation should be put on the November ballot and left to the voters to decide.

Summary Committee Reports

Planning Committee

The Board of Permit Appeals approved merging 2 units at 4616-18 18th Street (Congratulations to Erin Day and Scott Larrimer!).    The Planning Commission hearing on 4038-17th (demolition of Victorian to build 3 condo units) was moved to June 14.

Utilities, Transportation & Neighborhood Commerce Committee

Current and soon-to-be vacant retail spaces of Valley Pride Market, Headlines, and Noah's Bagels/Gay Men's Chorus will be a focus of joint efforts with MUMC (Merchants of Upper Market & Castro), to coordinate information and any necessary follow-up. 

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